Reading is my number one passion in life. I am a humble book blogger and I *always* have something to say about books!
@ 43%
I had no idea that Frankie had fans. I say this because I have evidently pissed off one of them with my comments about his character.
Whatever floats your boat, people.
Having said that.... my opinion still stands. He's a sadistic, psychotic bastard.
I welcome all arguments to the contrary.
I decided to give this book another chance, since i wasn't in the right head space to read it the last time.
Really enjoying it now. :)
Giving this a shot after reading a bunch of really positive reviews.
I just have to remember not to pay attention to the cover. ;)
DNF @ 47%
Laynie and her obsessive ways were just too much for me. Another book for the DNF shelf. :(
I am currently suffering through a massive reading slump.
For someone who loves reading as much as I do, this is becoming increasingly frustrating. I keep starting books, enjoying them for a while...but usually around the half way mark my attention starts to wander, and before I know it, I am just not into the story at all anymore.
I have had several DNF book recently, and honestly it's been at least 6 weeks or so since i read a book that I was able to finish and enjoy.
This is so depressing, guys.
Honestly...I want to smack the hell out of both these main characters. Not a good sign for my overall enjoyment.
30 Day Challenge: Day 3
Your Favorite Series:
Well, that was.....different.
First off, I usually don't like novellas. Secondly, the numerous grammatical errors in this story should have been sending my literary OCD into overdrive.
But, despite everything it had against it, I somehow managed to really enjoy this twisted little story.
Silver writes bare bones, down and dirty smutty goodness. And even though I am not comfortable with her fondness for "breeding" (something that was only mentioned in passing here, but plays a more active role in some of her her other stories), I enjoyed the naughtiness of this. It was definitely different, and I think that's what I needed after suffering through a massive reading slump over the past few weeks.
This story was wacky and over the top raunchy, but I enjoyed the crazy ride.
I jumped all over this one as soon as it went up for sale on Amazon. I can't wait to start it tonight after work!!