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This Bookish Endeavor

Reading is my number one passion in life. I am a humble book blogger and I *always* have something to say about books!

Snatched (Will Trent, #5.5) - Karin Slaughter A quick, super fast paced novella featuring one of my favorite male characters in all of fiction.Will Trent is doing routine surveillance duty at a local airport when he quite literally watches an abduction take place before his very eyes. Will blames himself for the young girl's disappearance and becomes obsessed with finding her before the kidnapper is able to navigate his way out of the airport.Slaughter has long since been one of my go-to authors for crime and thrillers, and while this was a novella, she still managed to pack a lot of tension and fear into a short story. Will is a wonderfully complex character and I for one am always happy to read anything where he is featured.Definitely one of the better novellas I read in 2012.