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This Bookish Endeavor

Reading is my number one passion in life. I am a humble book blogger and I *always* have something to say about books!

Sweetheart (Gretchen Lowell, #2) - Chelsea Cain Rating: 4 starsScare Factor: Intense (Gretchen is one mean mama-jamma!)Depth of Character: 4 stars Steaminess: Warm (one highly inappropriate but still so-wrong-i-feel-dirty-but-i-can't-help-but-like-it sex scene)The second installment in the warped and twisted world of Archie & Gretchen nearly liv=ves up to the first. This book delves much deeper into the hold that Gretchen has over Archie. We know that she is evil...that she will be Archie's destruction if he gives in to his inexplicable desire to be with the woman who has not only killed countless people, but tortured and kidnapped Archie several years ago. But damn if seeing the two of them together again wasn't a fascinating, if beyond warped roller coaster ride that i enjoyed the hell out of.